Posted on Sep 24,2017

     Enjoy nuggets of Information about skin traditions from around the World every Sunday here at SkinlandOnline. Our destination this week is Mexico. Hispanic women are well known not only for their mesmerizing accents but their looks.    

Travel in Central or South America and you’ll find it hard to avoid the succulent and sacred AVOCADO, not only because these fruits are often the size of footballs in their native territory, but because they’re loved and cherished in the regional diet. The Avocado is not only a super food but a super BEAUTY food. ​

       This fruit is packed with skin friendly minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, etc., vitamins A, E, B and K and unsaturated fats. This is probably why they are used in many health and beauty products including hair conditioners, face creams and bath oils.


For a healthy and glowing complexion, drink a cup of avocado juice a day and it will nourish and protect your skin from the inside out.

How to make avocado juice? Mix one ripe avocado with a cup of milk in your blender, add some honey if you like it sweet and enjoy this wonderful refreshing drink full of healthy nutrients.

Avocado is an amazing treatment that helps reduce wrinkles. Apply mashed avocado to your skin as a facial mask and see the transformation in your skin afterwards. Here is a simple DIY Avocado mask to try at home this week


Avocado Face Mask Recipe:  

Take 1 fully ripe fresh avocado, remove the skin as well as the seed, and mash it up into creamy pulp in a bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir the mixture until it turns into a uniform paste. Apply to skin and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the mixture with lukewarm water and pat dry your face with a soft towel.

The avocado face mask can reach the inner layers of the skin to impart elasticity to even extremely dry skin.


For Softer Nourished Hair:

The seeds of avocado can be made into a powder that has been used for many years in some countries, as a natural dandruff treatment. Avocado also makes an amazing hair mas​k.

This hair mask will soften brittle and dry hair, and also add luster and shine.

All of these benefits in ONE SINGLE FRUIT. Wow! How awesome is our Creator. Thank you God! Thank you Mexico!

Now you know avocados are not only good for guacamoles.

Have an awesome week and you can share your avocado experience or any other skin concerns with me on


See you next week beauties!


Yours Truly,

