Posted on Apr 04,2017


        This beautiful process begins right from when you open your tap.  The TEMPERATURE has to be right.  There are lots of controversies around this but I personally think that lukewarm water is the best for washing your face. When the water is too hot or too cold, it could strip out all the moisture from your skin leading to excessive dryness and irritation . So the next time you get in that hot shower, try not to put your face right before the nozzle. You can always lower the temperature for your face or even wash in the sink.

        Now, if at this point, you have makeup on your face, gently close the tap (lol!) and get some makeup CLEANSING WIPES. Face washes and cleansers alone are usually not enough to properly remove all the makeup on your face. Gently wipe the face and eyes too if you are wearing eye makeup.  If your lip stain (or eye makeup) is not coming off with your wipes, put a few drops of olive oil on a cotton ball and it does the magic!

       Next in line is your FACE WASH OR CLEANSER. I personally advise soap-free face washes like Simple or Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser if you can get your hands on one. This is because our skin is acidic and most soaps are highly alkaline. This could strip off some of your skin’s natural oils leaving it dry and haggard. If you have an oily skin, you can always get a face wash ideal for oily skin.  If possible, try to avoid soap on your face. Some face soaps/washes are however specially made and infused with good moisture for the face such as Dove and Olay.  While washing your face, try not to overdo it! Some of us feel like the more force we apply, the cleaner the face gets. Take it easy now honey! You don’t want to strip your face of all its natural oils or even stress it out. Good products already have ingredients that are going to remove all impurities and dirt from your skin.  Make sure to rinse off properly with lots of water. Another usual mistake is the way we clean our faces. after washing. Please do not start scrubbing your face with your towel like the water you just put on your skin is an enemy you are trying to exterminate! Gently PAT DRY with your towel. It’s okay and even better to leave your face a bit damp after washing.

      Now, what are you waiting for? Please immediately give your skin that surge of MOISTURE. I absolutely love Olay face moisturizing products. I would most definitely update you with my favorite face products in upcoming posts. One of the questions I got recently from a customer had to do with using body cream for the face. It is not advisable at all because the skin on your face is totally different from the skin on your body. It may seem like you are spending more money buying separate products for your face and body but trust me your skin would thank you and time would definitely tell.

     You are most welcome to also include a TONER in your regimen which should be applied before moisture. I personally consider this step optional especially for people with dry/normal skin. If you have an oily skin however, I encourage you to use an ALCOHOL-FREE toner as this would balance the oils and also remove any remaining dirt (this shouldn't be an issue if the steps above are properly done). A very good toner I recommend is the Seaweed Oil- Balancing Toner by The Body Shop.  I also recommend including a FACE MASK AND FACE SCRUB in your face care routine at least twice a week. I would go indepth into the full face care routine in upcoming posts as this post was all about the Daily Face Cleaning Routine. Till then, stay beautiful and take care. xx


Your Glow Guru,



