Posted on Oct 09,2016


     Our secret beauty ingredient this week is the popular spice called TURMERIC. Turmeric is a spice used mainly in Asian cooking especially Indian and Thai cuisines. Turmeric is bright orange-yellow in color and is a major ingredient in the spice mix called curry which most of us are familiar with in Nigeria. Aside adding that zing to our favorite dishes, turmeric also has amazing skin benefits. Indian women in particular have been using turmeric as a skin care ingredient for centuries. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. It is also known for its amazing ability to reduce acne and the appearance of dark circles. You can easily find this spice in any grocery store spice aisle. Just make sure it is 100% turmeric with no additives. Many people who use turmeric skin treatments find their skin looks so good that they stop using foundation altogether.

   One of the most common ways to use turmeric on the skin is by making a homemade mask. It is super easy to make ladies and people make it in different ways. I’m going to be sharing one of those recipes with you tonight. I call it the Canaan Woman Turmeric Face Mask  (Remember the Milk and Honey in the Land of Canaan, for those who know this story)



  • Gram flour- 2 tablespoons
  • Milk
  • Organic honey
  • Turmeric- ¼ teaspoon


Mix turmeric powder and gram flour. Add honey and milk. Mix well to form a paste that can stay on your face.

How to apply?

Spread the mask on your face and neck. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with cold and warm water alternately. Finally, splash the cold water. Pat the skin dry and apply moisturizer.

You can apply this mask to the face once or twice a week for best results. Enjoy a brighter, clearer and softer skin in few weeks. Thank you India. See you again next week Skinlanders! #SkinlandSundayNightTravels
